Wednesday, April 6, 2016


         We as Americans are so disillusioned about America and we will continue to believe that America is a Utopia. So let's see what does the word UTOPIA means according to an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.
Now some say they want to make America great again, my question is and what does that mean great in what ways. Economically, politically, and socially?

        Well, let's look at this so-called Utopia because that is what comes to my mind when you say great, they want everything from their perspective perfect?  Maybe they think that bullying, lying, stealing, creating wars, killing innocent people with no regard for human life to other countries makes America great? The problem is that we are still doing those things to other countries.  So what made America great back then? This slogan was rebirthed from the 1980's era when Ronald Reagan was running for president. At that time, America was on a down swing inflation, jobs, the economy was not working well at all Gerald Ford was the  president back then Ronald and Jimmy Carter ran against each other with Ronald Reagan coming out the winner.

         During his presidency, several events took place the war on drugs which made it easier for Blacks to be incarcerated, also on the foreign affairs front, Reagan sent 800 U.S. Marines to Lebanon as part of an international peacekeeping force after Israel invaded that nation in June 1982. In October 1983, suicide bombers attacked the Marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241 Americans. The same month Reagan ordered U.S. forces to lead an invasion of Grenada, an island in the Caribbean, after Marxist rebels overthrew the government. In addition with the problems in Lebanon and Grenada, the Reagan administration had to deal with an ongoing contentious relationship between the United States and Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi (1942-).

      When dealing with race Reagan found a way to change the rhetoric  of racism into government cutting programs that were supposedly effect undeserving black people. And appeal to the anti-black prejudice and racism of the whites that resided in the  North and South sounds familiar?

This is what sums up what Making America great again really means.

Now looking at this Utopia from another angle, America can definitely say that we were never a Utopia and we can never be one, we have too many debts to pay especially when it comes to wars and our involvement in them let's check our record when it comes to some of the killings that we participated in where millions of  innocent men, women and children died. America invaded over 70 countries.  We occupy 700-800 military bases world wide and we have military personnel in 156 countries. 

So about that Utopia, I think America really need to do some soul searching and realize that all capitalism, thievery, pillaging , raping and dominating countries will never be perfect actions to take and soon we will wake up to reality.

Celeta  McCall

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