Monday, November 14, 2016


 The election is over and you can now open your eyes. Donald Trump is now your new president. I always say be careful what you wish for.  Donal Trump yes and his wife your first lady is a porn star. Just let that sink in your first lady is a porn star. The world has seen her naked.  You will find nothing classy or sophisticated about her at all. That is not hating, that is just fact.
If we can have a porn star for a first lady then all of our skeletons should be able to come out of the closet now. We shouldn't be ashamed of anything. All the respect and dignity and let us not forget class has gone out the door. 
Is it now true anything goes? I guess so now that we have seen the first lady in her birthday suit.
Could Donald Trump be the antichrist? Look, at his credentials check out his cabinet that he will attempt to appoint.  I really believe we will all fall victim to a lot of his policies that will change as he goes.
The fear on the faces of his constituents and the faces  of the ones who didn't vote for him. To show that he is not what they want for a president they have been protesting for the last week.
So now that you can see, please make sure to  look forward to some disappointments. And there can still be some hope and unchanging of some issues that we may face.
Let's come out of shock remove your hands from your eyes and dig in.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Our people are dying from Cancer in Alexandria, LA.

Ms. Agnes Francisco of Alexandria has lost three family members of Cancer. Ms. Agnes will explain what made her start the fight for clean air, clean water, and soil. The area we are talking about is the southern part of Alexandria where there are about 50% African Americans reside.
In this area not only did Ms. Francisco  loose family so did others. It is also very important to know that this also a low -income area of  Alexandria which has no grocery stores, or shopping malls.
Most residents have to walk or take the bus, cab or get a ride to wherever  they need to go. These  are some of the things residents have to deal with on top of  burying or fighting cancer.
I was very surprised at the death toll as of now is about 116 and people are still dying.
Ms. Agnes started to complain to the LDEQ( Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality) and EPA ( Environmental Protection Agency).

Environmental Disaster

  The smell and vapors of the nearby Creosoting Operations ( Colfax Treating) in this area what concerned Ms. Francisco was the fact that in Cresote a chemical contaminant called BENO(A) PYRENE.
BENO (A) PYRENE IS  (BaP) is usually found as pale yellow crystals. It does not dissolve in water, but will dissolve in organic (carbon-containing) solvents. BaP is one of a group of compounds known as the Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PAHs).

 How does chemical affect the environment?

 According to the Scottish Environmental Protection Agent  Pollutant Fact Sheet
The most serious environmental impact of BaP is its significant accumulation in organisms exposed to it. Aquatic organisms will also concentrate it. In water, BaP attaches strongly to sediments and any other solid matter. BaP released to soils tends to bind very strongly to the soils particles, but small amounts can leach to ground waters. BaP is stable and can remain (and travel) in the environment for a long period of time - it is a Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP). Releases of BaP   therefore cause concern at a global environmental level as well as on a local scale.

How does chemical affect humans?

The long-term health effects of BaP were last  assessed by the federal government in 1987. At that point, it was classified as a “probable human carcinogen”; the new assessment upgrades BaP’s cancer classification to “carcinogenic to humans” and sets a limit on the amount of BaP a human can breathe without the risk of developing cancer and other serious illnesses; it also sets a limit on the amount of BaP that can be safely ingested and, for the first time for any EPA chemical assessment, estimates the risk of cancer when human skin is exposed to the chemical.

Research Shows Links to Cancer, Developmental Damage, and Low Birth Weight

Since 1987, the scientific literature examining the health effects of BaP has grown significantly. Studies have shown that BaP is associated with cancer, as well as developmental damage and immunological effects. Epidemiology studies involving exposure to BaP have reported associations with decreased fertility, low birth weight, postnatal body weight, and smaller head circumference in children. Animal studies show exposure to BaP to be linked to a variety of cancers, including alimentary tract, liver, kidney, respiratory tract, pharynx, and skin cancers. Workers exposed to BaP over long periods have been found to have a significantly

On Aug. 21, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a draft revised health assessment of the toxic chemical benzo(a)pyrene (BaP). This chemical is widely found in the environment and in a number of workplaces, and in its assessment, EPA declared that BaP causes cancer. by Ronald White, 9/10/2013 EPA Scientists Deem Benzo(a)pyrene a Cancer-causing Chemical
Mrs. Joyce White, General Honor'e &  Ms. Agnes Francisco

( picture courtesy of The Alexandria Town Talk by way of Google)

Ms. Joyce White has been living in her house for many years. In the background is the back of  the cross ties of one of the companies that have the citizens health at risk.  Ms. White states that one of daughters has  a severe case of Asthma.

Once it was found that the land where there were  contaminate BaP you would think it would have some urgency to clean up and make the people of South Alexandria whole again. No this was not so. There were three lawsuits against Roy O. Martin two of them  lost and the third was a class action suit where the people who the plaintiffs were awarded from $100.00 to 7,300 this was depending what your illness was. The Lawyers were paid $1,600,000 for their services.  We have to take  in consideration that it was over 500 plaintiffs.

There were some plaintiffs that were on medicare and Medicaid so they would have to give some of their money up. Leaving them with next to nothing.

 You can say that Roy O. Martin had a vision and he stepped and made his vision happen from the beginning, one of the key factors to the long-term success of the company has been the acquisition of tracts of timberland. Today, RoyOMartin has a land base of 570,000 acres of prime southern pine and fine hardwoods throughout Louisiana, made up of tracts from 20 acres to over 10,000 acres in size. This natural-resource base supports two state-of-the-art OSB- and plywood-manufacturing operations in Louisiana. In all, RoyOMartin employs approximately 1,000 committed, competent, and contributing team members.
                                                     WHERE ARE WE NOW

At this moment, we have lost many people and now Miss Agnes Francisco has gotten the attention of the EPA they have come up with this two-year initiative called Making a  Visible Difference Committee. Purpose- EPA focus on providing better support to communities, especially in environmentally overburdened, underserved and economically distressed areas where the needs are the greatest.


You know, it's funny when we always say that everyone should mind their own business but every time an issue with an entertainer, movie star, singer, artist has something going on in their lives we are all up in their business. If it hits home then we are ready to throw punches about your business. Are we that confused? Or is it because those people mentioned above are to the public or because they have no right to privacy just like you?

What sense does that make? You don't want any one in your business but you are all on the websites that dropping all kinds of private information on them, let's compare your privacy to theirs: You both have lives, some of  you are married, some have kids, you both have personal, physical, mental problems on some levels, both really don't want their business told. The only thing different is probably they have more power and money.

Why is it our business to be all up in their business but get bent all out of shape when someone knows our business?  Are we embarrassed about what goes on in our own lives and we feel better that others are suffering like us even though they have the money?

I will say this, we have to stop making everybody business our business and stop getting upset when you are being questioned about your business. I would love to see one of the entertainers turn around and start asking personal questions about us. Just to see how that feels. Why do we really need to know what is really going on in someone else's personal life?

When you think about those stupid reality shows about our Black women such as Atlanta Housewives, Love and Hip Hop, it seems that we are so obsessed with these reality shows that we relate or try to emulate their lives. I find that creepy. There is no way I would want that much drama in my life. I can't handle the little drama I might have my mental, emotional couldn't handle.

Now just imagine how these people feel when they have to bear all with millions of viewers on a constant basis.  They have no private life they get abused by their spouse, their son is on drugs, their daughter is pregnant, their finances are in a turmoil. Think about what if that is you and you really don't want people to know that side of your life. Again do you think it's fair that we are all up in their business because we can?
Is there a possibility that we can for once not listen to gossip, I know a lot of people will lose their business because their whole life is dishing the dirt on others. But get truly offended when it comes to their business.
Sometimes we have to shine the light on ourselves and ask ourselves is it really my business who Rhianna is sleeping with, where she shops to buy her clothes really?

Dishing the dirt on entertainers, artists, movie stars is it really important or because we purchase their movies, music, and clothing that we have the right to know what goes on behind their closed doors?
So is that a slave and master or boss and employee relationship?
You don't want your boss in your personal business, some of us get straight mad when someone asks you some of the simplest questions about our  so-called personal business.

Now the business that would interest me, is how my children are doing in school, how is the economy, what is the political climate at this time and what is going to the job market. Those are the things that I would think would be important to me.

Don't get me wrong, entertainment is entertainment but no one's personal hardship and bad times should be something we find interesting unless you are lending a word of encouragement.
Celeste B. McCall


I am sitting here thinking to myself, is life really this complicated or is it just me. Why do I feel as though that all the work that I have achieved who was it really for? Did I do this to please others or did I do this for myself self- gratifications was these all my true goals or were they goals that I set for others.. I guess you wonder who 'others' are the people who celebrate when you are down, who walk all over your dreams, who could really care less about what you are doing but always find time to secretly stalk you, like watching what you tweet, what you say on facebook, watch your videos and secretly criticize  how you look or how you pronounce a word, are these the people that we spend our times attempting to impress or looking for that approval from?

I might be crazy if I spent all my life trying to please all the wrong people. People who don't  even really pay attention to me and don't give a damn about my hopes, dreams, and aspirations. They just want to see how far I will fall so that they can turn away and laugh never trying to pick me up to see if I was okay. That is not their job, they have one purpose that is to look at my faults, point them out and make me spend all my time looking for their approval.

I allow my seeking approval to take over my mind and my emotions, how I think and what I think about, never wanting to disappoint the ones who really are not relevant.  But don't care about the ones who really should matter.

I  might be crazy if I can't stop punishing myself for the minor setbacks that take place in my life.  My ungratefulness because I was not able to impress those people who really don't care what I say or do but they really do.  I hope I haven't confused anyone  I dare not make you disappointed in me since how you see me is very important to my state of  mind.

I might be crazy if I truly believe this I really spent all my time trying to please people who really will not add to or subtract from my true goals.

Celeta B.McCall

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


         We as Americans are so disillusioned about America and we will continue to believe that America is a Utopia. So let's see what does the word UTOPIA means according to an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.
Now some say they want to make America great again, my question is and what does that mean great in what ways. Economically, politically, and socially?

        Well, let's look at this so-called Utopia because that is what comes to my mind when you say great, they want everything from their perspective perfect?  Maybe they think that bullying, lying, stealing, creating wars, killing innocent people with no regard for human life to other countries makes America great? The problem is that we are still doing those things to other countries.  So what made America great back then? This slogan was rebirthed from the 1980's era when Ronald Reagan was running for president. At that time, America was on a down swing inflation, jobs, the economy was not working well at all Gerald Ford was the  president back then Ronald and Jimmy Carter ran against each other with Ronald Reagan coming out the winner.

         During his presidency, several events took place the war on drugs which made it easier for Blacks to be incarcerated, also on the foreign affairs front, Reagan sent 800 U.S. Marines to Lebanon as part of an international peacekeeping force after Israel invaded that nation in June 1982. In October 1983, suicide bombers attacked the Marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241 Americans. The same month Reagan ordered U.S. forces to lead an invasion of Grenada, an island in the Caribbean, after Marxist rebels overthrew the government. In addition with the problems in Lebanon and Grenada, the Reagan administration had to deal with an ongoing contentious relationship between the United States and Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi (1942-).

      When dealing with race Reagan found a way to change the rhetoric  of racism into government cutting programs that were supposedly effect undeserving black people. And appeal to the anti-black prejudice and racism of the whites that resided in the  North and South sounds familiar?

This is what sums up what Making America great again really means.

Now looking at this Utopia from another angle, America can definitely say that we were never a Utopia and we can never be one, we have too many debts to pay especially when it comes to wars and our involvement in them let's check our record when it comes to some of the killings that we participated in where millions of  innocent men, women and children died. America invaded over 70 countries.  We occupy 700-800 military bases world wide and we have military personnel in 156 countries. 

So about that Utopia, I think America really need to do some soul searching and realize that all capitalism, thievery, pillaging , raping and dominating countries will never be perfect actions to take and soon we will wake up to reality.

Celeta  McCall

Friday, January 22, 2016


I  guess you are wondering what is it that I am confused about, actually I am confused about several things let  me see:

Stacy Dash- Why do we make her revelant someone called her a black  Ann Coulter. They call her a coon and confused and lost  or even out of touch. I am confused that why is what comes out her mouth she is paid  to say the stupid shit that she says.  I don't know why we should even give her any attention at all.  We as Black people need to stop trying to sit at the table with them. Think about it like this if I invite you over for dinner and I fix everyone a plate but you. How would you feel?

Whoopie Goldberg & Raven Simone- Now these two are really funny they claim that they are not Black they are  Americans  what?  This is another example of  trying to sit at the table. How can you look into the mirror and not see you color the melanated hue.  Black and African. I am so tired of this circus of people who look like us. Everyone is entitled to  their opinion but  this is ridiculous.  Let me enlighten you  YOU ARE EITHER BLACK AMERICAN OR AFRICAN AMERICAN.

I am also confused at the Janet Hubert and Jada Pickett Saga- Okay  why is this again  revelant we have fallen to a trap and this has become a distraction. What is the reason for the distraction ?  I  think its the Flint water crisis.  I don't  don't  give a rat's  a## who goes to the Oscars  another example of trying to sit at the table. Who owns  Hollyweird?   So why are we so surprised?  Its really has nothing to do with us. We have bigger fish to fry. 
Pay attention this seems to be a fascination for other races of people, we like to be confrontation and confusing and then there is the angry Black woman syndrome. Again everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think  the way its conveyed could be the problem.

Its a new year and we need  a new perspective on everything. The entertainment world is not  to me, not that important. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016


  Yes!! we got our station yes Universal Collective Network is up and running despite all the work we put in it to get all together, we are still working on how to operate it. Like setting up so listeners can call in. It goes with the terriotory and the territory is looking good. We are very excited about this whole notion of actually running a radio station.

We are in the process  of  now building up our  programming for example our talk show because they will play a very important part in making our station successful.

I would like for  you to enjoy.

Sunday, January 17, 2016


We are an online radio station that will provide listeners our opportunity to listen to the good news, great talk, and various music that will feed your mind, body and souls. Radio has been moving in a different direction for a while now, because of certain restrictions that are now changing how terresteral radio station operate it gives a great opportunity to the online market.
Black radio is very important to the Black community because it's  not enough of us giving others a chance to  have a voice.

Universal Collective Network would like to change this and we will. Remember we are a radio station that will ' Always give you sound you can invest in.'

Monday, January 11, 2016



This is our video pertaining to the up and coming radio stations that we are trying to launch I am so excited. Can't wait...   HEAD FULL OF HAIR PRODUCTIONS 1


Universal Collective Network

Yes, I finally have an opportunity to start my own radio station. Never thought I could do this, thanks to my friend and mentor  Mr. Leroy Vallot for helping me find the correct platform to work with. This is a lot of work, but I am anxious to make sure that I can make it happen...
He helped me chose the name Universal Collective Network which means a lot, that we are not going to be like the status quo in radio stations, I want to be able to give all our listeners a variety of flavor when it come to education, information, music, business and social issues.. We are at this moment looking for radio shows that will fit our criteria, for all these genres. We want not only encourage Rythm and Blues, but we want some reggae, African music and talk, we want to talk about sports and deal with all the social issues that are plaguing all our communities...This is another way of finding our place in the online radio industry.. We as Black people refuse to be silent and if this is a way to 
place our stakes in an almost silent voice of black media so be it.
So look forward to Universal Collect Network to offer you sound you can invest in...

Second 2 None Network

I  would like to make this our music network  this would make sure that music will be the main existence of this network. Our history of music runs deep in our veins why not continue that legacy by giving our listeners our sensation sound...